
SnapCenter 错误:创建 Snapshot 副本失败:找不到有效的存储系统

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  • SnapCenter 服务器4.4 (SC)
  • 适用于SQL的SnapCenter插件(SQSQL)


  • 升级到SCSQL 4.4后、SQL备份失败、并显示以下错误:
Activity 'Creating Snapshot copy' failed with error: Create snapshot '<Server_name>_<Time_Stamp>' failed: Could not find valid Storage System for the resource.
  • 活动"发送EMS消息"失败、并显示错误:
Unable to find storage system for given resources. EMS message instead sent to the storage connection accessible by this user:<SVM_Name> Error: The credentials for the storage system <SVM_Name> is not configured. Resolution: Please check if storage system <SVM_Name> is assigned to the user and is resolvable or add an entry to etc/hosts file.

                Error: The credentials for the storage system <SVM_Name> is not configured. Resolution: Please check if storage system <SVM_Name> is assigned to the user and is resolvable or add an entry to etc/hosts file.
  • 可能还会在中看到以下错误 <installation_path>\Program Files\NetApp\SnapCenter\SMCore\SnapDriveSALDebug.log

Error SAL PID=[34588] TID=[3580] Failed to decrypt the password.
Error SAL PID=[34588] TID=[3580] Bad Data.


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