
SCSQL备份失败、并显示错误"No SQL resource is discovered on the host"

Last Updated:


  • 适用于SQL的SnapCenter插件(SCSQL) 4.x
  • Microsoft SQL Always On可用性组(SQL AG)
  • Microsoft SQL故障转移集群实例(SQL FCI)


  • SnapCenter 不会在资源窗格中显示属于SQL AG/FCI的数据库可供备份、备份失败并显示错误"No SQL resource is discovered on the host. Check SQL resource(s) state on the host"
  • SnapCenter SQL发现日志会向Access DeniedWMI查询返回一条""错误、用于枚举集群网络资源:
C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapCenter\SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server\log\SMSQL_<job ID#>
2022-08-05T07:00:18.2306069-05:00 DEBUG SmSql_<JOB ID#> PID=[XXXX] TID=[66] Resource: SELECT * FROM MSCLUSTER_RESOURCE WHERE Type = "Network Name"
2022-08-05T07:00:19.2149795-05:00 ERROR SmSql_<JOB ID#> PID=[XXXX] TID=[66] An unexpected error occurred while retrieving the Cluster Resource data. [Type:Network Name]
Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
2022-08-05T07:00:19.2931077-05:00 INFO  SmSql_<JOB ID#> PID=[XXXX] TID=[66]  Error when getting FCI resources:
2022-08-05T07:00:19.2931077-05:00 ERROR SmSql_<JOB ID#> PID=[XXXX] TID=[66] An error occurred while retrieving the cluster resources of type 'Network Name'
Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
2022-08-05T07:00:19.2931077-05:00 DEBUG SmSql_<JOB ID#> PID=[XXXX] TID=[66] Check JobID [XXXXX] is marked  cancelled or not in DiscoverResource
2022-08-05T07:00:19.2931077-05:00 DEBUG SmSql_<JOB ID#> PID=[XXXX] TID=[66] Running JobID [XXXXX] is not mark cancelled in DiscoverResource
2022-08-05T07:00:19.3087320-05:00 DEBUG SmSql_<JOB ID#> PID=[XXXX] TID=[66] Start UpdateDiscoveryResults
2022-08-05T07:00:19.3087320-05:00 DEBUG SmSql_<JOB ID#> PID=[XXXX] TID=[66] UpdateDiscoveryResults Update SQL Instances and AGs with Operation Result
2022-08-05T07:00:19.3087320-05:00 DEBUG SmSql_<JOB ID#> PID=[XXXX] TID=[66] End UpdateDiscoveryResults
2022-08-05T07:00:19.3087320-05:00 DEBUG SmSql_<JOB ID#> PID=[XXXX] TID=[66] End DiscoverResource
2022-08-05T07:00:19.3087320-05:00 ERROR SmSql_<JOB ID#> PID=[XXXX] TID=[66] No SQL resource is discovered on the host. Check SQL resource(s) state on the host

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