
NDMP 备份失败、并显示“不支持非本地卷的备份 ... ”

Last Updated:


  • 集群模式 Data ONTAP 8.2/8.3
  • 启用 NDMP 节点范围模式
  • 7-模式过渡工具 (7MTT)。


  • 尝试执行备份时、在传输任何数据之前、作业将失败、报告:

Operation terminated: Backup of non-local Volume '/vserver name/volume name/path' not supported (for /vserver name/volume name/path)

  • NDMPD 日志中可能会观察到以下顺序

[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] DEBUG: DMA>>S V4 sequence=12 (0xc
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] DEBUG: Time_stamp=0x6524bc5d (Oct 10 13:52:13 2023)
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] DEBUG: message type=0 (NDMP4_MESSAGE_REQUEST)
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] DEBUG: message_code=0x401 (NDMP4_DATA_START_BACKUP)
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] DEBUG: reply_sequence=0 (0x0)
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] DEBUG: error_code=0 (NDMP4_NO_ERR)
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] DEBUG: butype_name= 'dump'
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] DEBUG: env_len=6 (0x6)
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] DEBUG: env[0] name='TYPE' value='dump'
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] DEBUG: env[1] name='FILESYSTEM' value='<path>'
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] DEBUG: env[2] name='PREFIX' value='<path>'
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] DEBUG: env[3] name='LEVEL' value='0'
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] DEBUG: env[4] name='HIST' value='y'
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] DEBUG: env[5] name='UPDATE' value='y'
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] ERROR: Backup/Restore of non-local Volume '<path>' not supported
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] DEBUG: cb_ndmp4_data_start_backup: here
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] DEBUG: DMA<<S V4 sequence=15 (0xf)
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] DEBUG: Time_stamp=0x6524c025 (Oct 10 14:08:21 2023)
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] DEBUG: message type=1 (NDMP4_MESSAGE_REPLY)
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] DEBUG: message_code=0x401 (NDMP4_DATA_START_BACKUP)
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] DEBUG: reply_sequence=12 (0xc)
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] DEBUG: error_code=0 (NDMP4_NO_ERR)
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] INFO: DATA: received ABORT command (-0:16:09)
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] INFO: DATA: requesting D-Blade backup ABORT (-0:16:09)
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] INFO: DATA notification state 0 (SESS_STATE: IDLE) event 10 (EVENT: STATE CHANGE) (-0:16:09)
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] ERROR: DATA: Operation terminated.
[kern_ndmpd:info:6626] [86123] INFO: DATA: received STOP command (-0:16:08)

  • 现在发生故障的备份可能在过去已经正常运行。
  • 客户端仍然可以通过 NAS 协议( NFS 、 CIFS )访问数据,但通过 NDMP 协议进行备份失败。


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